Thursday 25 April 2013

New Beginnings...

The beginning of my journey has finally started! Its easy to come up with these amazing and inspiring ideas, but to put them into motion and make them a reality is a different story.

I came up with this amazing idea to get my life together and make my life long dream come true by moving to New York but its not at easy as I thought. Its super expensive and trying to find a job all the way from South Africa is definitely not a walk in the park.

Au pairing is extremely popular in the states and I had a lightbulb moment! Au pairing in the states is no joke! You would have to live with the family and look after the children during the day. Its not like au pairing in South Africa where you do a few odd lifts from school and spend one or two hours doing homework and then you done. Au pairing in the states is a full time job!

My lightbulb moment included au pairing in the states for a year...specifically in New York, where I can become familiar with the city as well as look at the media industry to see if there are any potential jobs for me there. While doing this, I don't have to worry about living expenses or food because it is all taken care of by the host you earn money in the process.

So now it was time to make this idea a reality! I decided to contact an old friend of mine on Facebook, who now lives in America because she did au pairing. She gave me two websites which I had a look at and I filled in an online application. I was told that a consultant would be in touch tomorrow...which is super exciting!

My family and I are actually going to America in 7 weeks for my mother's 50th birthday so I will be able to experience my favorite city once again! We have organized with a rabbi in the city to spend a shabbos with them while we are there and I sent an email to him to see if he knew of any Jewish families in Manhattan who are looking for an au pair. If i moved there, I would love to be involved in the Jewish community there!

I have been posting my blogs posts on Facebook and the other day, another Facebook friend sent me a message asking if I was living in New York and I told her that I was looking to hopefully get there soon. Now this friend moved to New York 3 years ago and she said that she was more than happy to help me out with any questions I may have! This is so incredible to me as one of the scariest things about moving to New York was the fact that I would be going by myself and would know no one! Its nice to know I will have a friendly face there when I get there! Im planning to meet her for coffee when I go there in June :)

Things are slowly moving forward and I feel like its a start and Im actually contacting the right people and not just sitting and waiting for things to happen....exciting times ahead!!!

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